Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
IIT Madras
Email: avishekparui@iitm.ac.in
Office Phone: +91 (44) 2257 4535
PhD in English Studies (2010-2013)
Department of English Studies
Durham University UK
Supervisors: Professor Patricia Waugh and Dr John Nash
Thesis Title: The Literature of Bio-Political Panic: European Imperialism, Nervous Conditions and Masculinities
from 1900 to 9/11.
M.A. in English Literature (2005-2007)
Presidency College, University of Calcutta
Professional Memberships:
Associate Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy
Member, International Society for the Study of Narratives
Executive Member, Modernist Studies in Asia (MSIA)
Member, Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS)
Editorial Board, Anthem Press https://anthempress.com/gender-and-culture-in-the-romantic-era-1780-1830
Teaching Experience:
IIT Madras, Chennai: Since November 2017
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati: July 2014 - November 2017
Department of English Studies, Durham University: September 2013- June 2014 (As Post-doctoral Tutor)
Research Interests:
Masculinity Studies
Memory Studies
Critical Theory
Google Scholar Citations
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56155263700
Parui, Avishek. Culture and the Literary: Matter, Metaphor, Memory
(Contracted with Rowman and Littlefield)
Parui, Avishek. Postmodern Literatures. Literary Context Series. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2018.
Journal Articles
'“An umbrella made of precious gems”: An Examination of Memory and Diasporic Identities in Kerala Jewish Songs
and Literature. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Volume 12, Number 5, 2020
DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n5.rioc1s32n1
(Co-authored with Shiji Mariam Varghese)
‘These were made-to-order babies’: Reterritorialised Kinship, Neoliberal Eugenics and
Artificial Reproductive Technology in Kishwar Desai’s Origins of Love.
Journal of Medical Humanities. British Medical Journal (BMJ)
24 May 2019.
(With Manali Karmakar)
Memory and Meals: Remembering and Representing the Jewish cultural codes and Identity Markers
in Esther David’s Book of Rachel . CASS Studies Journal.Vol 3 Issue 1 (March 2019)
(With Shiji Mariam Varghese)
"Victor’s Progeny: Premonition of a Bioengineered Age". Literature and Medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press
Volume 36, Number 2, Fall 2018. pp. 337-355.
Co-authored with Manali Karmakar
“Imagine what it would be like to have a brand-new heart”: Biosentimentality and embodied-relationality in
Change of Heart: A Novel." Cogent Arts and Humanities. Vol 5 Issue 1.
Co-authored with Manali Karmakar
"Embodiment and Entangled Subjectivity: A Study of Robin Cook’s Coma, Priscille Sibley’s The Promise of
Stardust and Alexander Beliaev’s Professor Dowell’s Head". Journal of Medical Humanities (Springer)
(March 2018) (Co-authored with Manali Karmakar)
‘“What’s the use of stories that aren’t even true?”Agency, Fabulation and the Epistemology of the Storytelling Self in Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories.’ Special issue on Salman Rushdie in South Asian Review (2017)
DOI: 10.1080/02759527.2014.11932954
Winner of the Meenakshi Mukherjee Prize 2019 for the best published paper. Indian Association of Commonwealth
Literature and Language Studies.
‘For the life of him he could not remember’: Post-War Memory, Mourning and Masculinity Crisis in Katherine
Mansfield’s ‘The Fly’. Katherine Mansfield Studies. Vol. 8. Special Issue on Mansfield and Psychology, Edinburgh
University Press ed. Clare Hanson (September 2016): 113-124. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474417532.003.0009
Cited in Cambridge University Press
Memory, Nation and the Crisis of Location in Saadat Hasan Manto’s ‘Toba Tek Singh’. Short Fiction in Theory and
Practice Vol. 5 No. 2 (October 2015): 57-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1386/fict.5.1-2.57_1
'"Do you see the story?" Consciousness, Cognition and Crisis of Narration in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.'
Janus Head Vol. 15, Issue 1 (February 2016): 117-136. http://www.janushead.org/15-1/Avishek%20Parui.pdf
Selected resource text for the course Modern Times: Literature and Culture in the 20th Century (KWB208) at
Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia
‘“Exploring Hands Encounter No Defence”: The Episteme of Violence and Consumption in The Waste Land.’
Peer English Leicester University Issue 8 (February 2013): 51-66.
"The White Man's Exile: Space, Consciousness and the Imperial Project in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness".
Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies Journal. Vol. 2 (October 2016): 9-17.
“Coffee, carefully poured and consumed, puts the idea under chloroform”: The dialectic of the ideational and the
personalorders in Walter Benjamin’s One Way Street.’ Journal of the School of Language, Literature and Cultural
Studies. Ed. G. J. V. Prasad. JNU (Spring 2012): 99-111.
‘“All is hubble-bubble, swarm and chaos”: The cognitive contingencies and possibilities in Virginia Woolf’s “The Cinema.”’ Postgraduate English Department of English, Durham University Issue 23 (September 2011)
Book Chapters
“‘Human nature is remorseless”: Masculinity, Medical Science and Nervous Conditions in Virginia Woolf’s
Mrs Dalloway.’ The Male Body in Medicine and Literature. Ed. Andrew Mangham and Daniel Lea.
Oxford: Liverpool University Press, 2018. 120-36.
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvgd281.12
'Masculinity, Monstrosity and Sustainability in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein'. Romantic Sustainability.
Ed. Ben Robertson. New York: Lexington Books. 187-98.
“‘The Nerves in Patterns on a Screen”: Hysteria, Hauntology and Cinema in T.S.Eliot’s early poetry from Prufrock to
The Waste Land.’ Film and Literary Modernism. Ed. Robert McParland. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2013. 96-106.
Cited in The Newsletter of The T.S.Eliot Society, Number 83, Summer 2014
and The Cambridge Companion to The Waste Land, ed. Gabrielle McIntire (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2015)
‘Dreamed Cinema, Cinematic Dreams: Dreamscapes, Neurosis and Desire in Federico Fellini’s 8½.’ Dreamscapes in
Italian Cinema. Ed. Francesco Pascuzzi. NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2014. 1-18.
'Gothic Horror and Racial Infection in Bram Stoker’s Dracula'. Gothic and Racism. Ed Cristina Artenie. Montreal:
Universitas Press. 12-28.
Encyclopaedia Entries
Parui, Avishek. "Ray, Satyajit (1921–1992)." The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Modernism. : Taylor and Francis, 2016.
Date Accessed 2 May. 2018 https://www.rem.routledge.com/articles/ray-satyajit-1921-1992.
Parui, Avishek. "Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (1922)." The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Modernism.
: Taylor and Francis, 2016. Date Accessed 2 May. 2018
Popular Articles
'The Heart of Reading', Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 53, Issue 4, 27 January 2018
'Fear of Flying', Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 51, Issue 20, May 14, 2016.
'No Offence Taken', Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 49, Issue 43-44, November 1, 2014.
'To Laugh or Not to Laugh: The Non-Innocent Logic of Laughter', Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 49, Issue 24,
June 14, 2014. http://www.epw.in/journal/2014/24/postscript/laugh-or-not-laugh.html
'Private Pleasures;, Economic & Political Weekly,Vol. 49, Issue 20, May 17, 2014
'To buy or Not to Buy, That is the Question', The Telegraph, October 11, 2012.
'More Curry Please, We're British!', The Telegraph, February 21, 2013
Creative Writing
'Metropolis', Borderless, 9 April 2020
'After Twenty Years', Kitaab, 13 April 2019
'The Dead', Kitaab, 30 December 2017.
'Dyakha', The Bombay Review, 26 February 2017.
'Dry Day', The Bangalore Review, December 2016.
'Notes from the Underground', Humanities Underground, August (2015)
'Glitch', Humanities Underground, November (2012).
'No Hideouts Found', in Shrapnel Minima, ed. Prasanta Chakravarty. London & New York: Seagull Books. 302-306.
Icarus, Blacberry Notes and Other Short Stories.
'Illness as defamiliarization: A Reading of Virginia Woolf's 'On Being Ill'. Literature & Disease Podcast Series.
University of Hyderabad. 12 July 2020.
'When Is Modernism?' with Michael Shallcross and Tony Patterson
Literature, History and Culture SeriesResearch in English At Durham (READ)
'Masculinity, Mimicry and the Crisis of Agency in the Colonial Contact Zone: A Study of George Orwell's "Shooting
an Elephant"'Easter Lectures 2014 Research in English At Durham (READ)
Conference Presentations
‘There will be time, there will be time’: Multiple temporalities and masculine embodiments in
T. S. Eliot’s Prufrock and Other Observations. Modernism and Multiple Temporalities, Modernist Studies in
Asia Conference. Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo. 12-14 September 2019.
"From Cross-dressing to Power Dressing: Sartorial Appropriations of Masculinity by Women in the Public Gaze". International Conference on Gender Studies: "Gender and Power" organised by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. Birkbeck College, University of London. 2 March 2019. (With PhD scholar Mridula Robert)
'Partitioned bodies: Mapping the mutilated and muted bodies in Saadat Hasan Manto’s fiction'. Performing Bodies.
Welcome Trust Symposium on Medical Humanities. IIT Hyderabad. 1-2 February 2019.
'Creative Writing: Making Models of Complex Communication'. Kenyon & IITM Writing Workshop.
Collaborative Project between Kenyon College and IIT Madras. 10th December to 14th December, 2018.
'Domesticating the Non-normative: Representing the Queer Cultural Icons in Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls.'
National Conference on 'Being and Doing Gender: Multidisciplinary Perspectives'.
Department of Women Studies, University of Madras. 6-7 December 2018.
Co-authored with PhD scholar Mridula Robert.
'Alcoholic, Alienated and Melancholic Masculinities in Selected Short Fiction of Ernest Hemingway'.
Gender (Mis)Representations. International Conference on Gender Studies.
Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge. London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. 1-2 December 2018.
Co-authored with Masters supervisee Shreyashee Roy.
‘Empathy and Embodiment in T. S. Eliot’s Prufrock and Other Observations'. Modernism and Empathy Conference.
Education University of Hong Kong. 15-16 June 2018.